Trying to lose weight can be one of the most frustrating experiences of your life.

It can feel exhausting and previous failed attempts can leave you defeated.

You hate feeling so awful…tired, overweight, no energy.

You know fad diets and quick fixes don’t work but you don’t know what else to do.

If that’s you, you’re in the perfect place!
Wouldn’t it be awesome if… 
That’s what The Weight is Over is all about!
Now, you may be wondering if it’s possible and if it even works…you know, for real people with kids, careers, and frankly, sometimes messy lives. It does. I promise. Read on…
Tell me if you can relate to any of the following… 
  • You know you’ve fallen off your own priority list…you want to take better care of yourself but don’t even know where to start
  • It’s just *so* tempting to want to treat yourself at the end of the day in the form of wine, or cookies or ice cream (or maybe all three), after all, you’re a good person and have worked hard – you feel like you deserve some sort of reward.
  • You know you should exercise more but your life is busy, you can barely fit the things you need to do in as it is
  • You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror or in a picture and barely recognize yourself – you wonder, “How’d this happen? How did I get this way?” What you see in the mirror just doesn’t match the image you have of yourself in your head.
  • You just don’t feel good. You’re tired. You have no energy. You don’t like the way your clothes fit. You have a deep inner knowing that something NEEDS to change.
You know what the worst is? It’s the guilt and self-loathing that comes with all of that stuff. Those moments when you wonder, “What’s wrong with me?”, or “Why do I suck at this?”
You try to do something good for yourself—you struggle, work, sacrifice, and maybe even exhaust yourself—and end up worse off than when you started. What’s up with that?!?

If you’re like other people with weight to lose, you’ve tried every pill, powder, tea, injection, cleanse, and restrictive diet out there.
You keep searching for that ONE DIET that gives you
the self discipline you think you’re lacking.
Perhaps you thought you just needed to exercise more? Or have better “willpower” to keep yourself out of the kids’ snacks and crackers in the cupboard.
Let’s kick those myths to the curb. Science shows that you can’t out-exercise your food. So, there’s no need to spend hours at the gym each day, exhausting yourself and not seeing the results you so desperately covet.

But even the person with the most epic will power will eventually have a day (or a month!) when it all goes wrong and they binge on all the things they’ve been depriving themselves of for so long. They haven’t made their “diet” a permanent lifestyle.
Weight loss is NOT about willpower or discipline.
It isn’t that you need more information. There’s a ton of health & fitness blogs out there telling you what to eat and how to exercise. What you need is for someone to make this easy for you – someone to take away the confusion, separate fact from fiction and hold you accountable, so that when life gets crazy (and let’s admit it, that’s likely to happen), you can stay committed to yourself and your health goals.

I have met so many smart, highly accomplished, driven, type-A personality women who say losing weight is their Achilles heel – it’s the one thing they aren’t successful with. And there’s a nagging presence to this…
  • It’s the awareness you have every time your shirt stretches over your tummy the wrong way and highlights your stomach.
  •   Or when you try on jeans from a month ago and can’t do them up – what now? Buy a bigger size? Noooooo!!  
  •   Or when you’re supposed to go out somewhere nice and feel like you look awful in everything in you try on
All of this can start to crush your confidence.
The truth is that weight loss can be simple when you have all of the puzzle pieces sorted out – the science of it and the psychology of change that’s involved with it.
So how do you figure out those missing puzzle pieces?
And how do you know how to piece them together? It’s almost impossible on your own.
What works?
Before I understood weight loss, I thought it was super complex and massively hard. Then I learned the science behind it. And when you slice away all the myths and nonsense, weight loss is insanely simple.
When I was trying to lose weight and couldn’t, I had a few pieces of the puzzle. There were things I was doing right, but there were also a few things I was doing completely wrong! You see, I didn’t have ALL the pieces, which left room for those weight loss myths to creep in and sabotage my best intentions.

Like you, I wondered what it was going to take. How many miles would I have to run? How many laps would I have to swim? How many special moments of baking with my kids would I have to give up?
And I know exactly what it takes to get you the results you're looking for, not just because I've done it myself, but because I understand how our bodies work...
Let’s face it. If you could have lost the weight on your own by now you, you would have.
Most women silently struggle and suffer alone, feeling frustrated & defeated and like there’s something wrong with them and that’s simply not true because you’re amazing.
And, let’s think about it – anyone that goes after a big goal in their life accomplishes it with help. Doing it alone sucks and typically leads to failure.
So, you can either keep on doing what you’re doing and get the same result or… you can choose to do it differently.
  • You can choose to get the guidance, knowledge, and support you need.
  •  You can choose to be in an amazing community of women who are chasing down the same goal.
  •  You can choose to finally, once and for all, drop the weight that you want, have more energy than you’ve ever imagined and love how amazing you feel.
If that’s what you want, then I’d love to have you join me in
The Weight is Over
6 payments of $625 (USD)
One payment of $3497 (USD)
What you can expect…
  • You’ll know exactly what to eat and when so you can lose weight easily without needing a personal chef or assistant.
  • You’ll be slimmer, trimmer, more toned and have more energy than you thought possible – hello skinny jeans!
  • You’ll have ditched your bad habits and replaced them with healthy ones that are sustainable so you keep off the weight you lose, even when life goes a little crazy.
  • You’ll no longer sabotage your success and can get out of diet-limbo.
  • You’ll know exactly how to fit foods like desserts, wine, and chocolate into your life without going overboard so you can have your weight loss and some sweet treats, too.
  • Your cravings will no longer control you – you’ll be free to eat what you want without fear of losing control.
  • You’ll be excited to go shopping and try on new clothes.
  • You’ll feel sexy, confident, and ready to live your very best life.
Plus, your weight loss will be permanent because you’ll understand what works and how to implement it into YOUR LIFE even when you’re crazy busy.
Imagine looking in the mirror and loving the person you see.
Are you getting goosebumps just thinking about how amazing that will feel?!
Here's how the program rolls out:
Master the Basics
This is one of the MOST critical steps that is left out of fad diets and quick-fix programs - there’s no teaching. You will learn: 
  •  Exactly what food is, what the macronutrients (carbs, protein, fat) are and how different foods fit into each category
  •  My step-by-step process of how to create an environment for yourself that supports the healthy habits you’re going to establish so you can easily maintain them (even when you’re tired or stressed)
  •  How to quickly scan a food label and determine if it’s healthy or not, AND how it fits into your macronutrients for the day
  •  The truth about what the scale is telling you and how to interpret your success in a way that won’t make you crazy 
By the end of this phase you’ll understand food and your body in a whole new way, giving you the freedom you desire with both.
Master Your Mindset
  •  Dive deep into the root causes of emotional eating and how to create better coping mechanisms
  •  Master a simple process that will help you break free of negative thinking and learn how to sever the guilt/shame/regret cycle around food and your mental self-talk
  •  Be able to quickly bounce back from hard days or events without sabotaging your success or feeling like you’ve “fallen off the wagon”
  •  Learn how to control and re-wire your brain for greater optimism, positivity and success 
By the end of this phase you’ll be down at least a dress size or two and have far more energy! You’ll be able to recommit to yourself and your 
goals with ease and experience more joy in life.
Master Your Mindset
  • Dive deep into the root causes of emotional eating and how to create better coping mechanisms
  •  Master a simple process that will help you break free of negative thinking and learn how to sever the guilt/shame/regret cycle around food and your mental self-talk
  •  Be able to quickly bounce back from hard days or events without sabotaging your success or feeling like you’ve “fallen off the wagon”
  •  Learn how to control and re-wire your brain for greater optimism, positivity and success 
By the end of this  phase you’ll be down at least a dress size or two and have far more energy! You’ll be able to recommit to yourself and your 
goals with ease and  experience more joy in life.
Master Your Movement
  •  Master the ability to move your body AND to move stress away from you
  •  Learn the truth about exercise and weight loss myths so you never fall victim to them again 
  •  Honor your body by being more appreciative and loving towards it 
  •  Figure out how to incorporate exercise into your 
  • lifestyle so that it’s something you enjoy
  •  Understand the connection between movement and mindset
  •  Learn the same tricks and strategies I use in my life to stay motivated (even when I don’t feel like it!) 
By the end of this phase you’ll feel GOOD in your body again. Your 
confidence will be back and you’ll have created healthy, daily routines
that you love.
Master Weight Maintenance
  •  Focus on cementing the healthy lifestyle habits you’ve created 
  •  Know the fundamental strategies for life-long 
  • weight maintenance
  •  Learn how to manage your feelings so emotional triggers don’t steer you back to eating your feelings again
  •  Create new goals for yourself - things you’re excited to achieve and/or experience 
  •  Feel healthier, calmer and more in control of living the lifestyle you’ve dreamed of 
By the end of this phase you’ll have settled into a healthy lifestyle and have 
created the results you’re longing for right now — you’ll be confident in 
moving forward and maintaining the amazing results you achieved for 
the rest of your life.
Master Weight Maintenance
  • Focus on cementing the healthy lifestyle habits you’ve created 
  •  Know the fundamental strategies for life-long 
  • weight maintenance
  •  Learn how to manage your feelings so emotional triggers don’t steer you back to eating your feelings again
  •  Create new goals for yourself - things you’re excited to achieve and/or experience 
  •  Feel healthier, calmer and more in control of living the lifestyle you’ve dreamed of 
By the end of this phase  you’ll have settled into a healthy lifestyle and have 
created the results you’re  longing for right now — you’ll be confident in 
moving forward and  maintaining the amazing results you achieved for 
the rest of your life.
Before starting the program, I was caught up in making excuses… excuses for not exercising, for overeating – for not making any effort to feel better or put myself first.
When I joined The Weight is Over, I found I enjoyed it much more than I expected to! Getting started was the hardest part, but Jen has a way of making the rest of it seem doable. There is such variety in the content and so many useful strategies, not to mention the support of the online community. So far I have lost 13 lbs. More importantly, I know I have the tools I need to make it to 20 lbs thanks to Jen’s inspiring, positive, and thought provoking approach.
~ M. Porter
Is this for you?
If you’re not ready to let go of unrealistic outcomes, fad diets, and all-or-none thinking, then this program isn’t a good fit.
However, if you’ve ever thought:
  • “I know I’m an emotional eater, but I just don’t know what to do about it.”
  •  “I focus really hard for a couple weeks and then give up.” 
  •  “I’ve tried lots of different things – once I know the system, I figure out a way to cheat it. That’s totally how I sabotage myself – why do I do that?” 
  •  “I don’t want to go out – I don’t look good in anything and just don’t want to be seen in public.”
If you're ready to...
  • Be responsible for your health
  •  Accept steady progress instead of demanding instant perfection 
  •  Transform, even if you don’t know how or are struggling to imagine that it’s possible for you 
  •  Let go of rigid and unrealistic diets 
  •  Learn how absolutely amazing it feels to thrive 
  •  Commit to a science-based, expert-lead program designed to give you permanent results with real-world strategies…
Yes, I am ready for Accountability. Support. Results!
6 payments of $625 (USD)
One payment of $3497 (USD)
---------------- WHAT’S INCLUDED IN YOUR PROGRAM ----------------
  • 4 Distinct Phases With Weekly Video Lessons & Handouts (over 30+ lessons to date)
    Each Phase has concrete things that you need to learn. The video lessons are laid out step-by-step so you know exactly what to focus on. AND they’re available to you 24/7 so you can watch them whenever you want! 
  •  Weekly Monday Morning inspiration emails so you never veer off track and stay motivated through the weeks and months 
  •  Weekly Friday Morning action emails so you know exactly what to focus on over the weekend and feel awesome doing it
  •  Access to the members only private FB group to connect with other women just like you who are excited to be on this health journey - you’re not alone in this 
  •  Access to regular FB Live videos so all of your questions can get answered by me 
  •  Access to the members only portal 24/7 so you can watch things on your timeline (no rushing or schedule juggling required!)
But that's not all - THERE ARE BONUSES TOO!
One-on-One  Session and Food Plan
A private call to customize your food plan based on lifestyle, food allergies & sensitivities- no cookie 
cutter plans or meal templates
Restaurant Survival Guide
Get my best strategies for
experiencing freedom with
food no matter what
environment you’re in
Take-Out Tricks
You can’t always be
planned & prepped — life is
full of unexpected twists
and turns.  Learn how to healthify takeout  with simple strategies
Move Your Body
for the Love of it
Learn a 4-step process to fit  exercise back into your 
already busy lifestyle and
enjoy it!
BONUS #5 - Green Smoothie Cheat Sheet
 One of my most popular bonuses!
Know your liquids, your  fruits, your veggies and flavor enhancers to choose from to make over  100 different green smoothies in one simple cheat sheet.
6 payments of $625 (USD)
One payment of $3497 (USD)
I want you to be beyond thrilled with the results that you get in the The Weight is Over Program. I’m giving you 30 days to test drive the program. To get the most out of this program you need to participate. If for some reason you find the program isn’t working for you, we’ll send you a questionnaire with a few questions to answer to show that you’ve been on the calls and implementing what you’re learning. Simply return the questionnaire and we’ll refund your money.
The last word…
I’d like to leave you with a little tough love. Yes, I know it’s a little unexpected. But sometimes the unexpected is exactly what you need.
You see, I know that you’re selling yourself short right now. I can say this with both love and a ‘swift kick to the rump’ truth because I’ve been there.

I also know that the only way to stop selling yourself short is to decide you’re done—done with the struggle, done with the quick fixes, done with chasing tomorrow and done with lying to yourself.
The truth is that there’s still a part of you—even if it’s small and barely whispers—that hopes there’s another way to live.
There is.

Pay attention to that voice, because it’s what’s giving you hope and letting you know that you can do this. 

Trust it. It’s smart. It knows you intimately. It wants the best for you.

Even if you’ve failed before, you can do this.

Failing sucks and it’s disappointing. But it’s just letting you know that what you’re doing isn’t the right way to do things for you…

Let’s face it and be brutally honest:

A lot of weight loss methods out there simply are not sustainable. There is no way to follow them long-term or see permanent results from them. So when they don’t work, you feel like you failed.
The good news is that YOU are not broken; those methods are!
You don’t live in a bubble and you don’t lose weight in a bubble either. But you can learn to do both at the same time.
You can have progress without perfection.

Winning at weight loss is about losing weight while living your real, busy, messy, and sometimes crazy life.
You just need to know how to work with your physiology so you no longer need to “white knuckle” the egg white diet or swing between all-or-nothing approaches. And you will learn it with the The Weight is Over program.

You don’t have to do this alone. I’ll be there to support you every step of the way, and I promise that you’ll be delighted with how your life looks 4 months from now. It’s time.
Q & A
I have way more than 20lbs to lose (more like 50lbs), would this still be a good program for me?
Absolutely. Regardless of how much weight you need to lose the foundational principles of healthy weight loss are the same. You need to learn those in order to start losing weight in a healthy way in the first place.
I only have 10lbs to lose. Can I still benefit from this program?
Yes. In fact learning how to lose those 10 lbs in a healthy way is of critical importance because the “quick fix” can always be so tempting (and yet they never work long-term). You will learn what your body needs and a new way to think about food that will allow you to keep your results!
When are the calls?
There are no live calls for the program. All of the program content is available to you 24/7 in an online learning portal. That means you can schedule this into your life in a way that works for you?
Are there any live calls? 
Yes. There are many touch points in this program – one of them is the open Q&A and coaching calls that happen the first three Tuesdays of each month @ 12pm MT. To get your specific questions answered on the call simply post them ahead of time in the Facebook group if you can't make it live (although I highly suggest you make these calls if you can!).
How do I know if this will work? I’ve done other programs in the past and haven’t been successful?
All I can say is many women before you have had the same worry, AND they were successful in this program. But I’m not gonna lie – this program requires your willingness to commit and to implement what I’m teaching you. There’s nothing magical about weight loss – it requires change but I’ll support you every step of the way so that it can feel both easy & doable.
6 payments of $625 (USD)
One payment of $3497 (USD)
Jennifer is a weight loss fitness expert for awesomely normal people. She blends the hard science of Master’s-level training in exercise physiology, sports psychology, and nutrition with the transformative power of personal and professional experience. The results? Weight loss: Realistic. Easy. Permanent.